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Rock Springs Baptist Church, Inc.

PastorDirectionsEventsSwat TeamScheduleWe Believe Missions


"Love like this was never known,
Jesus dying for His own,
Just as the sun went down."

We can spend a lifetime accumulating wisdom and yet never learn how to have a personal relationship with God. We must come to the crucified and risen Christ to receive eternal life and the joy of a personal relationship with our Savior.

  A Friend: One who knows all about you, and loves you just the same. - Elbert Hubbard 

  What a friend we have in Jesus!  



Web Bible   Christian Answers Network   Link to Billy Graham Evangelistic Association   Link to Josh McDowell Ministries

                        2554 Liner Creek Rd
                        Clyde, North Carolina

Mailing Address
Rock Springs Baptist Church, Inc.
1028 Lost Cove Rd.
Clyde, NC 28721 



Webmaster's Notes

Any Church related announcements that should be on this website should be emailed to:


 Interim Pastor
 Rev. Paul Murdock
            Chairman of Deacons
 Marty Best
 1 (828) 734-8942

 Sunday School Director
 Assistant Sunday School Director
 Joyce B. McCracken
 Church Treasurer
 Karen Best
 Assistant Church Treasurer
 Larry Sutton 

 Choir Director 
 Joyce B.McCracken
 Assistant Choir Director
Karen Clark
 Church Clerk
 Joyce B. McCracken
 Assistant Church Clerk
 Martie Schaefer
 Assistant Pianist
 Financial Secretary
 Larry Sutton
 Assistant Financial Secretary
 Karen Clark 

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Copyright 2001
Rock Springs Baptist Church, Inc.
Clyde, NC
